Most franchisors acquiring success in their business have done well by instituting cutting-edge technologies and software upgrades in the franchise network. Thus, a flexible system with unique plug-in abilities and core software support has provided end-to-end solutions for the franchise business, taking it to the next level.

Such franchise management software comes with automated and customized configurations, along with real-time scheduling upgrades helping to synchronize the user databases through centralized marketing promotional approaches, and holistic web analytics. Therefore, such one-of-a-kind franchise software rendered by Brandwide is one of the best tools to streamline the workflows, while saving time and money for the franchisors and franchisees, while boosting the performance and expansion of franchisees at every step.

What Is The Justification For Implementing Franchise Software For The Business?

Franchise software brings in a unique platform that functions to sync in the management of customer relationships, inventory, marketing operations, branding, accounting, and sales, along with bridging the entire operations through effective communication. Besides, this software helps in automating the franchise business, negating the issues of manual management, while offering synchronized budgeting and forecasting features with strategic reporting. Functioning with a specific set of franchise business protocols, and establishing a formal mutual agreement between the franchisors and franchisees, the software systems connect to different sites through integrated communications. Again, with the real-time analytics offered by the application, the franchisees can perform with increased efficiency, maintain track of the results, and distribute vital reports to the franchisors.

What Elementary Benefits Are Furnished By The Brandwide Franchise Software To Improve The Business?

Automating the Process

One of the foremost upsides of using franchise management software is that the franchisees can effortlessly automate the entire business process via the three cardinal functions of process automation, centralizing the information, and mitigating the requirement of manual inputs. This cutting-edge platform helps franchisees to enhance the level of clarity, increase the speed of data processing, reduce the risk of inaccuracies, and avoid mislaying of information, along with bringing in effective communication bridging the entire franchise chain of operations. Therefore, this software creates a uniquely seamless and automated workflow combining the system tools, manpower, and franchise processes. Rendering integrated live scheduling, this smart software solution empowers the end clients to directly book the products or services from their smartphones, viewing the available time slots.

Integration and Source Tracking

Again, the franchise management software from Brandwide is effectively synchronized with the CRM system directly focusing on the enhancement of the franchise growth cycle. The franchisors in this context should ensure that the implementation and compliance-centric formalities are properly met. Besides, the franchise software needs to be adaptable enough to integrate and optimize the entire franchise operations for the overall benefit of the franchisees. Moreover, the software should also entail built-in digital signatory functions, as well as automated lead profiling functions for maximizing the entire process synced in from a centralized database.

In addition, the franchise software assists in triggering the marketing campaigns, while meticulously tracking the source of all the prospective leads to the business. Such sources usually comprise paid advertising campaigns, social media, or any recommendation processes. Subsequently, when the sources are mapped out, the same need to be listed in the CRM along with the specific source.

This entire process can be automated, as well as manual, wherein the sources tracked should be instantly tagged. In this context, the franchisors can get an overview and correlate the number of potential leads generated per source. Moreover, the software also aids in tracking the growth of each source or throughout the sales pipeline of the marketing campaigns. Further, the automated platform also monitors the capital invested in deploying such sources, determining the price per lead, and also the return on investment activated by each source.

Administering the CRM

Promoting brand loyalty and retaining potential customers is no doubt an effective strategy to grow the franchise business. In the process, the franchise management software helps in optimizing the CRM (customer relationship management) functions by syncing in different operational attributes of new customer registration, promoting customer loyalty programs, gaining customer feedback, and more. Thus, the primary objective of the franchise CRM platform is to initiate effective automated connectivity between the marketing and sales processes, along with the customer service functions.

Bringing in a comprehensive view of individual client data, preceding promotional endeavors, and sales strategies, the software also organizes the all-inclusive contact information of existing and previous customers. In addition, the Brandwide furnished franchise software also aids in integrating the alerts and email notifications to the clients. The automated system is also synced in with the live Google maps, therein helping the field executives deployed with different franchise outlets to integrate their job schedules based on real-time information and serve the end customer in time.

Adhering To Compliance and Affirming Brand Uniformity

For the multi-channel franchise business, it is imperative to sustain brand compliance and stability, wherein the cloud-centric franchise management system helps in streamlining the business process and brand management effectively. Such brand value and uniformity are supported well by research, which effectively boosts the brand and sales revenue. Thus, sustaining a franchise software platform assists in managing the brand persona for the franchise business synced in with all the franchise outlets.

Inventory Control Management and Effective Reporting

Additionally, the franchise management software also comes in handy for the franchisors and the franchisees, when it is all about maintaining the inventory functions. Thus, the automated platform from Brandwide will keep a track of prevailing supplies for the business, while replenishing the inventory spontaneously. Again, the software also enables the franchisors to inspect the logistics management of the franchise business, right from the initial order placement to the product renewal, therein foreseeing and limiting the operational risks.

Another effective mileage furnished by the franchise software lies in its holistic reporting functions that can also be easily personalized, as per the specific needs of the franchisees. The automated application aids the franchisors and franchise stores to generate and share different types of reports, entailing customer engagement, sales and marketing insights, and others. Amongst such reports are the sales activity and performance reports, lead source analytical reports, CRM pipeline reports, and also profitability reports.

Final Verdict

Conclusively, it can be stated that the franchise management software provided by Brandwide helps in syncing and optimizing the franchisee workflows more efficiently by automating the core business functionalities, and resolving the challenges, proving it more compatible for the franchisees.

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