There are myriads of franchise business organizations operating on a large scale. Each has numerous franchisees and thousands of employees working in the system. But, a successful franchise business is the one that creates a transcending position where all the franchisees and employees can work with their skillful assets and simultaneously improve them. A franchise management software helps cultivate skills and knowledge among the newly onboarded franchisees and the respective employees.
By collaborating e-learning with instructor-led learning, the software allocates standardized knowledge across your franchise business. It ensures compliance across your franchise and offers flexibility at the same time. No, it isn’t any paradox. The software makes it suitable to cater to the franchisor, the franchisees, and the employees of each unit. You wonder how? Let us dive into the depth to discover how.

Franchise Management Software
• Ensure standardized knowledge across the entire franchise by availing LMS ( Learning Management System)
The efficiency of a franchise business rests upon a complete knowledge and understanding of the concerned products or services. Parallel to this, you have to bring diverse franchisees under the umbrella of one brand. Without acknowledging the specific franchise system, the respective franchisees or employees cannot streamline the functioning. Here, the franchise management software comes into action. With the help of an online learning management system, the software stimulates standardized knowledge across the entire franchise. Besides, it allocates the provision of automation and customization.

Franchise Management Software
Create training materials
Now, you can create training materials for all your franchisees and employees on one single platform. Yes, you can make the curriculum in videos, web pages, and PowerPoint and share them across your franchise automatically. With this software, you can even customize changes in the courses whenever necessary.
Retain training materials
While managing the entire franchise, it is difficult to remember every detail in bits. Yet again, training materials are something that you ought to render to your employees. Furthermore, these materials have to be similar for all. Thus, when a new franchisee is onboard, you may have to put more pressure upon your memory to recreate the materials. Not anymore! Once you create any course, the franchise software automatically stores it. Now, you can easily retain the training materials. It is available in one platform for all your franchisees to learn and thrive.
Roll out healthy competition among learners
A successful franchise thrives on the awareness of the definite service or product and the subsequent market environments. Hence, the training provisions aim to engage your employees for rendering appropriate knowledge. Well, that is a tough job. Why not roll out healthy competitions in this regard? From the admin interface of the LMS, you can create quizzes, different levels of assessments, and tests. The franchise management software aid with gamification techniques to engage the learners in such activities. By offering badges and points, you can ensure a flow in the learning across your franchise, thereby strengthening organizational
Frequently evaluate learners
As a franchisor, do you want to track the training progress and results of your franchisees? Now, you can evaluate your learners frequently. The franchise software makes it easier to track the performance of your diverse franchisees and employees. In a single platform, you can see the results of different assessments, points that your employees have earned, and so forth. Complete visibility indeed!
- Offer certification
The most significant aspect of the LMS is the way it encourages the employees to learn and grow. Career development is a recent trend in all spheres of the job sector. It is something every employee looks for in their respective organization. When you offer award certification on completing the training, the career of your employees boost. The certificate can be life-long or time-limited based on the level of performance given. Who manages it all? None other than the franchise management software.

Franchise Management Software
Enhance knowledge by catering to employees residing in different locations
Well, you have variant franchise sites situated in different nations which are geographically distant from one another. Yet, there is specific and generic knowledge that you seek to deliver to your employees. To be precise, you want to enhance knowledge among your employees residing in different locations and keep them up-to-date. Such a collaboration is not easy. Here, the franchise management software acts as a savior.

Franchise Management Software
- Provides a Shared Library to enhance skills and knowledge
The software has a particular tool to cater to your employees. A Shared Library! It has got folders for each franchisee. You can upload generic documents and study materials in the library for everyone to avail themselves in your franchise. At the same time, you can share some specific materials with specific franchisees. The franchisees located in different sites can fetch these materials from the library anytime.
- Keeps your employees updated with News Hub
Are you struggling to keep your franchisees updated with information continuously? Relax! The New Hub of the franchise software will serve the purpose. It will automatically store relevant and recent news related to specific industries, markets, competitors, and much more. Your employees can check them from anywhere and at any time.
• Flexible schedule of learning and customized scheduling

Franchise Management Software
Your employees are already working in a busy and tight work schedule. Further schedule of training or learning can ultimately hamper the workflow. Therefore, make it flexible for the learners. How? The LMS provided by the franchise solution will guide you through. It automatically stores and shares learning items for anyone within the franchise to learn at their schedule. Scheduling can be even personalized. Such a facet creates a dynamic training culture and helps in broadening engagement.
Summing up:
Now, you can establish compliance throughout the franchise business organization and simultaneously reduce the cost of setting up training centers. Your franchisees and employees can fetch knowledge from their own pace of learning. One application taking you through the entire course of on-boarding and training and stimulating the franchise workflow!