In recent years, the popularity of cloud-based software has soared to unprecedented heights. They’re predominantly used in contrast to old-fashioned desktop software. In cloud technology, the installation of the corresponding software doesn’t happen on a desktop machine. Rather, it’s the internet that contains the software and the software can be accessed through your web browser. When it comes to cloud-based window cleaning management software here are six distinct ways by virtue of which it helps improve cleaning business operations.

window cleaning management software
Window cleaning management software can be universally accessed and irrespective of the device type
One of the biggest advantages of cloud-based window cleaning software is that you’re able to get ingress into it from any location and with the help of any internet-connected device. You don’t get this facility from any desktop-operated software that confines you to a particular device only. As a consequence, management of your business becomes all more plain-sailing as you can keep a watch on its operations while on the move or being at the office.
Window cleaning management software can be simultaneously accessed by multiple users
One big advantage of cloud-based cleaning software lies in the fact that it allows access to multiple users to work on it at the same time. Regardless of whether you’re the owner of the cleaning business, a window cleaning professional, or an office administrator you’ll have uniform access to data but with different authorizations depending on your position. By facilitating streamlined access the software ensures your business functions smoothly, systematically, and profitably. As stated before, software access isn’t really free. However, appropriate user privileges with regard to the access and editing of information can be effortlessly set up.
Window cleaning management software helps efficiently manage your staff
Has this thought ever crossed your mind about how desktop software solves the problem of the workload of your staff? As a matter of fact, the software does it by simply printing out a worklist for each staff. On the other hand, cloud-based window cleaning management software goes up a few notches above so as to make it more effortless and efficient to be in charge of your staff.
For instance, the software owns a built-in mobile app that comes to your aid in remotely assigning work assignments to your staff. It only requires your staff to get their work list for the day downloaded on their smartphones or tablets. The sequence of work and the progress each staff performs throughout the day is updated.
The software records the kind of jobs performed and the payments received and uploads the corresponding changes into the database. Information on the progress made by each staff is fed back to a centralized location and stored safely. Therefore, the need to manually collect progress reports, check the worklists, tally up the records in their totality, and update customer information is eliminated.
Window cleaning management software helps save time
Any cleaning business irrespective of its size brings about sizable time saving with the help of cleaning management software. Because of all-inclusive automation, the need to execute tasks manually is removed. For example, you no longer will need to update the entire gamut of activities executed throughout the day during the close of business hours. It significantly frees up time for you to focus on core tasks – what you’re being paid for. Statistics reveal that window cleaning management software saves time close to 20 hours per month when compared with old-fashioned manually-driven systems.
Window cleaning management software regularly backs up data and adds more security
Any cloud-based cleaning management software preserves the whole data in its cloud. Although desktop solutions still manage to store all data on local computers with the majority of them having regular backup facilities, in the event of not-so-unlikely data corruption, crash, loss, or theft, or hardware failure, you’re exposed to the risk of being left with obsolete data or no data at all.
In such scenarios, you’ll need to repair the fault on your desktop or carry out the installation of the software on a different machine before you can retrieve and access the data again.
On the contrary, by means of window cleaning management software, you’re facilitated to take hourly backup of data that’s refreshed up to the hour. The worry about data obsolescence is thus totally eliminated. On the off chance, your computer breaks down you still can obtain data from a separate device right away. In order to get extra peace of mind, the software allows you to take backups whenever you intend to. The same can be transferred to a personal machine or Dropbox once the backup is over. Given the incident of any stolen computer, you can rest assured that no data is solely present in your computer. It’s the universal cloud that houses the overarching business information with unbroken security.
Window cleaning management software helps you gain access to several other online services
Cloud-based window cleaning management software can be easily integrated with several other existing software solutions. For example, the software can bring about consolidation with accounting software such as QuickBooks or payment gateway providers such as Stripe and GoCardless. Therefore, the software enables you to provide methods of modern payment options to your customers and be in total control of everything once the payment is made successful.
Software for window cleaning management incorporates Textlocal, a bulk text messaging software used for sending reminders and notifications to customers. It also takes Mailchimp to send email marketing campaigns and newsletters in bulk to customers. All these integrations facilitate modernizing your business, reducing debts, and increasing profitability.
In case you’d like to have a free live demo of BrandWide’s window cleaning management software you can contact us today. One of our specialists will be at your service to address your unique needs.